Fingerbanger Friday: Werk Out
December 5th, 2008 |

It seems we do a lot of things that we don’t really want to do… trying to get a little bit of what we do want. That’s how it seems at least. Too safe? Too jaded? Are past events going to control all future decisions? Bollocks to that. I’m saying goodbye to the shittiest week of my year. Peace out. Time to have fun…

This song is dedicated to the sky. Where you can reach up and rip it open leaving a tear in the lining of the universe, where normalcy ceases and anything, and everything is happening. Who doesn’t love that?

Fingerbanger 1: The Yardbirds – Over, Under, Sideways, Down (download)

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Some people don’t like repetitious music, and I do. See, everything has a groove, a rhythm, and patterns exist everywhere in nature. You have to be comfortable with these things. Sensitive to the way things flow from one thing to another. Or not. whatever. Micky Moonlight is on Ed Banger… so is it cool now?

Fingerbanger 2: Photonz – Our Fable (Mickey Moonlight Remix) (download)

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I’m going to declare this as one of my favorite songs this year. Whoa! Don’t go to far out on a limb, you might be saying… oh, don’t worry… I don’t think I’m alone on this one. Actually, I heard this song in PacSun… Don’t even look at me like that! I was christmas shopping… and they weren’t even playing the Soulwax Remix…UGHKAY!! Fuck… OK! Your right.. it’s trendy. So waht… So WAHT!! haha…

Fingerbanger 3: MGMT- Kids (Soulwax Remix) (download)

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From Japan (like all your favorite dunnys… and any other toy) springs Lalory. The gist of Lalory is some pretty tight remixes. remixes. remixes. Although… he does some original music too and its decent too. I’ll dig out some more for you guys soon, and you can get hip.

Fingerbanger 4: Digitalism – Taken Away (Lalory’s Modern Romance Mix) (download)

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I haven’t had a full nights sleep in a week. Sometimes I get a knot in my left shoulder so bad that the side of my head tingles and goes numb. And my school loan payments are way over due. (Sallie Mae can get fist fucked by a bear with ram horns on its claws.) But I still spent way way way too much time getting this (not quite perfect) recording of this classic hiphop song from ’98 just for you fuckers… god damn I love this song.

Fingerbanger 5: N.O.T.S. – World Renowned (download)

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Produced by DJ Spinna


When I have shitty days, this helps…

[over]end[out] – P.tone

Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from chris
Time: December 5, 2008, 9:59 pm

that video was one of the strangest, and in a way disturbing things i’ve seen in a while… Although that could just be because i haven’t slept in a while…

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