Fingerbanger Friday: Down Recover
November 14th, 2008 |

I remembers the first time I heard Greyboy. Yep, back to Sexual Chocolate. That video was hot full of esoteric secret handshake knowledge that I’ll reference for the rest of my life. Cuts straight made the credits the best part of the video (I love watching credits b/c thats when they throw in all the odd footage, its like the inside joke part of videos). I ran straight to my mom and had her drive me to the nickle spot to buy Greybreaks (vol 1), Dub Breakbeats (1.0), and greyboy allstars (A Town Called Earth). Alright, well those didn’t drop until 98… so what? Greyboy still reigns supreme:

Fingerbanger 1: Greyboy – Love featuring Nino Moschella (download)

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I almost left this one out again. But I’m sticking to my nik gunz this time. How do you do justice to the name Brian Eno? Don’t answer, that was rhetorical. I don’t think I can. So I’m not going to try, I’m simply going to put it out there like this. Brian Eno made Music for Airports, the heavens rejoiced. Bang on a Can All Stars covered Music for Airports, recorded it live, and it’s hard to say which I like more. Maybe you listen to it and think…wtf? This is weak sauce. Shame on you commercial whore. This is the home made caramel on icecream with raspberry sauce that we eat while you microwave a 50 Cent hotdog from the Quiktrip.

Bang On A Can AllStars – Music For Airports (Live) (download)

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Its hard to believe that I haven’t posted any Cut Copy before. I think it’s mostly because there are a lot of other people posting Cut Copy. I don’t like to be just another bandwagon monger on Fingerbanger Fridays… Or ever really. Good for a cold rainy day… or 10.

Fingerbanger 3: Cut Copy – Far Away Ring Trick Mix (download)

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I almost got into an accident this morning. Actually, an accident was almost thrust upon me by a lady that clearly doesn’t understand how one way streets combined with lane lines work. In situations like that, your temper goes up, and if you do ever get into an accident, your mind will probably go into what I call panic mode. In panic mode your brain goes so fast it might as well not be there… so it’s good to have a plan. My plan for any accident is to get out of my car, walk up to the other driver, make sure they are ok, and then say, “You know this is your fault, right?”.

Fingerbanger 4: Coldplay – Talk (Junkie XL Remix)

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Back to Greyboy. When you drop this heavy heeyyy Heeey in a room, you can bet someone is going to say, “Yo, I love this song… whats it from?”. Full Scale. Greyboy produced two tracks on that album for Show&AG…erm…really just AG, and this one walks away as the butter soul.

Fingerbanger 5: Show & Ag – Hidden Crate (download)

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