Fingerbanger Friday: Hoodie Lab
October 17th, 2008 |

Today it’s all about those songs that fall down from the city through the night. Less is Mo…

There are many interesting things about Devendra Branhart and you can read a few of them in this Fader interview. Ok, so the dude is eccentric, with the whole penis belt/skirt shit, and megapuss is still cool tho. Still got to bone Natalie Portman for a while… not that I would go out of my way for that. So what I’m saying is, I wouldn’t trust him with my girlfriend, but his music does the night right.

Fingerbanger 1: Devendra Banhart – Mama Wolf (download)

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There are a million zillion bumptillion MGMT remixes floating around in the “blogosphere” ( which quite possibly the gayest name for something since…”blog”), but the original of this song has that good stuff.

Fingebanger 2: MGMT – Time to Pretend (download)

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Long time listener, first time caller…. I’ve only been able to find this song as a vinyl rip, and that the way I prefer to have it.

Fingerbanger 4: Jimmy Hughes – Steal Away (download)

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Where’s all the hiphop? huh? I thought you guys were like dj’s or something? can you play more hiphop? something with lyrics? I like something I know the words to… I can get you a cd from my car. you can play cds right? no? How about something underground? I knwo you got that underground shit, thats the shit I like… some Eyedea? Aesop? Can you download some? what about some Angels and Airwaves? No? what do you have? You don’t have anything I already know! You guys are wack! TUNAWACK!

But god damnit if this song isn’t good enough to sink the little man from inside the boat.

Fingerbanger 5: Ronnie Foster – Mystic Brew (download)

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I got more where this came from… Peep the flyer below… but you’re saying, “that’s not really disco.” And I’m saying, “I can’t hear you.”

Fingerbanger 3: Ignatious Jones – Like A Ghost (download)

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overENDout –> P.Tone

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