The art of time
January 30th, 2008 |

Movement is intuitive. Sound is movement. Thought is movement. People describe feelings as moving. All movement is action

If you were to pair it with time, time is something relative to the individual observer; time becomes relative to the observation if it. The observation becomes the action, creator and the reactor. The movement is intuitive.

Gudrun Gut – Move Me

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Gudrun Gut is from Berlin. She has been making music, specifically electronic music since the late 70’s. She is the head of labels Monika Enterprise and Moabit Musik. She co-presents the Oceanclub weekly radio program.

This song is from her debut album called, I put a record on. Each song is dedicated to another record or a place. It’s pretty arty.

Again… This video is pretty cool…

Bonus Track: Mr. Scruff – Get a Move On

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