Fingerbanger Friday: A Tindy Dilemma
September 26th, 2008 |

Everything all of the time is awesome when you don’t have anything, but when you got something, it needs some room to grow. Quality control enabled (no math).

You know Dr.Dooom… and now you know Dr.Dooom 2… don’t look now, I’m right behind you.

Fingerbanger 1: Dr.Dooom – I Followed You (download)

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I’m sick of the professional politician. I’m sick of the political supporters. I’m sick of the political media. I’m sick of everyone trying to push their agenda at every opportunity. I’m sick of those that buy into it and believe that anything anyone is telling them is anything besides an opinion. It’s all an opinion. This is an opinion. But this opinion promotes freedom of an individual from the sick opinion. But you don’t have to take my word for it… read a book. Maybe some Kant. Maybe some Shel Silverstein.

Fingerbanger 2: Ursula Minor – Sick Fuzz (download)

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I know we all Hate Wal-Mart. Fucking hate it. Giant monolith representing the utmost in consumer/corporate hell and I’m not even talking about getting your picture taken there. But it’s still entertainment and You can buy a box of condoms and a gun while getting your oil changed… fucking taadaa. Oh well, it still sucks. So this is good song for driving to Target or surfing the intercube. Whatever.

Fingerbanger 3: The Presets – Girl And The Sea (CutCopy remix) (download)

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This song is so happy that it makes me want to kick a dog. Wait…I like dogs. Let me try again. This song is so happy that it makes me want to kick a cat. Actually, this song isn’t all that fucking happy. Wheres your cat at?

Fingerbanger 4: Kaiser Chiefs – Flowers In The Rain (TheMove Cover) (download)

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Diplo has a knack for cherry picking the sounds we love and somehow making them his own. I’m not just talking about this radiohead remix, I’m talking across the board he seems to have that sense of a good sample, and not just cutting, flipping, and filtering it with a beat, but keeping the music intact. It’s that kind of intuition that makes all those guys buying thousands of dollars of gear justify their purchases. Rumor has it that Diplo uses flea market finds to get the job done better…

Fingerbanger 5: Radiohead – Reckoner (Diplo Remix) (download)

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O^erEndO^t – P.Tone

Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 2 |


Comment from Robz
Time: November 12, 2008, 8:56 pm

Where is that Black and white picture from (near the top)?

Comment from schnea46
Time: November 12, 2008, 11:16 pm

movie screenshot? ffffound it.

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