“Honky Tonk” came together in February 1956 during the many one-night stands the Doggett trio played coast to coast. At the first hearing there was nothing fancy about it. However, Bill knew he had a potential dance hit as night after night he received positive response from the crowd. June 16, 1956, “Honky Tonk” was recorded for King Records in its New York Studio. It sold four million copies. Ya can’t beat that with a baseball bat.

Throwback: Bill Doggett – Honky Tonk 1 & 2 (download)

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Posted under Throwback Thursday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from derek
Time: July 9, 2009, 10:51 pm

One of the late, great John Peel’s 40 songs for his 40th Birthday radio broadcast, which I have on a cassette I recorded in 1979. Brilliant.

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