Some days the weather makes the find for you, too calm, too well lit, a bit windy, a bit nervous, controlling the experience. We all know that as an individual, we don’t stand a chance against nature. So why even pretend that we are doing something. What happens is going to happen, what the people say about what happened is a silly misunderstanding that they could have somehow been important to the outcome. “He seemed like such a nice guy”, “She was always so forgiving”, “I always suspected there was something going on…”. Those lines are all bullshit. The end result is things happen, they come to you and they leave, some days its the weather that does it, some days its the feeling. Thanks to Max Schaaf fo da foto.

Nothing to anywhere but where your going to, Baltic Fleet (myspace) are bedroom floor music. Something along the lines of Black Moth Super Rainbow, AIR and Can… don’t that just make for a art outsider invitational. Cut up magazines and sniff some whiteout in your underwear.

Fingerbanger 1: Baltic Fleet – Black Lounge (don lowed)

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This was a 8-bit game for the commodore64, now it’s a one woman band (myspace). Go to Friendly Noise Records for more action + biker (biker action found elsewhere)

Fingerbanger 2: Action Biker – Farrah (don lowed)

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I wish I could go to a jukebox, plug in 50 cents and play this song. Everyone would think, yo, I know this song. But then they would be thinking… am I growing dreads? and not know why. Its subtle. Just enough to start you thinking, but not enough to change the songs touch. I love this shit. Trentemoller Businessman bombshelter sunofagun hardtail boxcutter… just for you.

Fingerbanger 3: Chris Issak – Wicked Game (Trentemoller Businessman /Wicked Dub Remix) (don lowed)

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Whatever happened to tan lines? I love them. ha. I agree. I always intended on posting the Devils Trident Remix, but never did because… well… the time was never right. So I’m glad I’ve got this other Telepath (myspace) song to post. Oh whoa here we go.

Fingerbanger 4: Telepathe – Chromes On It (Gold Panda Remix) (don lowed)

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Craig Smith… the Craig Smith is doing this 6th Borough Project // Instruments of Rapture // One up on your dance shoes and enjoy this helmet inspired short bus track aka RETARDED.

Fingerbanger 5: 6th Borough Project – Do It To The Max (don lowed)

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Antihero – Tent City Video (part 1)( with Max Schaaf. Don’t mis his 4Q Blog here) (one great video)


Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 2 |


Comment from Michael
Time: June 26, 2009, 5:26 pm

Hey, have you seen this news article?
New details about Michael Jackson’s Death Emerge
I was wondering if you were going to blog about this…

Comment from P.tone
Time: June 26, 2009, 5:48 pm

3 things have kept me from posting about MJ’s demise today.

1. I thought Zito might hop on this, and if not him, everyother music blog is certain to.

2. While having the gift of making a lot of amazing music, I’m equally disgusted by his (alleged) pedophilia.

3. He hasn’t contributed to the health state of music in a long time. Never granting sample rights to his own music while buying and licensing the Beatles catalog (essentially stealing it from Paul McCartney, who was his friend at the time).

In my opinion, he was a sick miserable bastard who made some of the greatest pop songs of all time. I won’t miss MJ, and so I’m not going to pretend I will just to post about it.

But, when the time is right, I might throw up a track or two that I like. It’s all abobut timing.

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