My apologize for getting a little heavy last week but I needed to vent, all done. Thanks.
Many conversations I have include the following question? “So, do all you do is listen to hip-hop?” I do in fact listen to a lot of hip-hop, most of which I think is good, at least to this ear. However, don’t sell this guy short, I can’t be painted into a corner so easily… maybe into a room at best. Cultured, no. A bit more diverse than most give me credit for, you bet your ass.
In the morning sometimes it’s Motown.
Pink: Edwin Starr – 25 Miles (download)
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The new Portishead is hot.
Pink: Portishead – The Rip (download)
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Death Proof the movie O.K., Death Proof soundtrack BANGIN’
Stink: April March – Chick Habit (download)
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Short and Sweet.
The Village President Benzito
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