We all have our vices, some more than others. We all have our own ways of dulling the senses, I’m sure always for legitimate reasons… (keep telling yourselves that). But speaking from experience… it really doesn’t work, although it does help one sleep at night… sometimes sleep real hard, hard enough to sleep through the alarm clock, then being late for work with a lame excuse and a bangin’ headache. Keep telling yourself that it’s worth it, I do. Tang 10 & Tonic (Big Olives), Stella from the tap & a spicy Bloody Mary, that’s my version.

Pink: The Beatnuts – Here’s a Drink (don lowed)

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When it comes to songs dedicated to burning and baking in Hip-Hop, there isn’t a shortage of supply… and demand for that fact. With so many tight rolled joints to choose from, I went back to one of my favorites that’s often forgotten… maybe due to poor short term memory. “The New Breed” album from way back in the day (1993) is solid as a brick. “Gotta Get Mine” with 2 Pac, “Tight” and The D.O.C. written smoker’s anthem. Smokem’ if you gottem’.

Pink: MC Breed – Something 2 Smoke 2 (don lowed)

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Maybe it’s the release or the need to temporarily forget, although we never do. Whatever it is, unfortunately it still ends up with you in the morning… sometimes worse, sometimes laying next to you and has you quietly calling a cab. Maybe it’s because I’m older now, I know that years ago this post would have been a whole lot different, Live and learn, either way from what I can remember those days were great!! From now on do as Aceyalone asks us to do, “If you see a kid stumbling when they walk by, tell them…”

Stink: Aceyalone – Master Your High (don lowed)

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Love, Peace & Big Breakfast Grease

Zito a.k.a. Bonanza Iron-Clad

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