Perhaps one of the most well known criminally slept on albums, Blowout Comb has only somewhat risen out of the shadow of Reachin’ in the more recent past. The cooler sounds and addition of live instrumentation made it an overall more sophisticated work than their more upbeat and successful debut… the message was however lost on the general masses, while the hip hop community hardly acknowledged it due to the previous commercial success.
Throwback: Digable Planets – Black Ego (don lowed)
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Throwback: Grant Green – Luanna’s Theme (don lowed)
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Whhaaat. Say What? ( I don’t mean to imply this is from Blowout Comb… I just like it)
Throwback: Digable Planets – Swoon Units (don lowed)
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Throwback: Gylan Kain – Black Satin Amazon Fire Engine Cry Baby (don lowed)
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