The Jump Off
January 23rd, 2008 |

I’m still working the kinks out of this thing. I like some aspects of this design, but others have already got me wondering how long I’ll put with them before I redo this thing. Maybe I’ll get use to it.

Anyhow, lets commence to the shit. The first post is important in the same way that your first fuck is important. There are two over riding aspects: 1.) It is a special occasion that you hope will be fondly remembered. OR 2.) just do anything, get it out of the way, there will be many more.

Despite that this is just one of many, and is merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory into the world of music that may or may not suit anyones taste but mine… I still wanted to start with something fucking good.

So here it is: The Velvet Underground – Sweet Jane – from Live Vol. 1

MP3: The Velvet Underground – Sweet Jane

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