Too often, we’re introduced to the natural sciences by a route that seems designed to repel anyone with a degree of sensitivity to beauty: hacking away at brain-dead frogs, calculating the trajectory of imaginary cannon balls, and coaxing minuscule electric currents from vegetables.

Fingerbanger 1: Pluxus – Caravelle (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 2: June Miller – Brussels North (Original Mix) (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 3: TeV95 – Color Coded Pistols (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 4: Gitar – Hippie Dream (don lowed)

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It’s a mystery of human chemistry and I don’t understand it, some people, as far as their senses are concerned, just feel like home. – Nick Hornby, High Fidelity

Fingerbanger 5: Shaky Snakes – Clark Drive Sunrise (don lowed)

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