The Mobius strip is my religion. The first rule is that everything can comeback unto itself in unexpected ways. The first rule is be careful what you wish for. The first rule is there is no end. The first rule is you create what is coming . The first rule is there are absolutely no absolutes. The first rule is everything is everything. The first rule is if you make a rule, then you have to live it. The first rule is don’t make rules that you don’t want to admit the opposite side of. The first rule is don’t make rules. The first rule is no rules is a rule. The first rule is everything is impossible in a world where everything is a possibility.

The first rule is the value of something is largely based upon what you know about it. Take for example this first song. If you were to listen to it without watching this video, you might really like it, becasue its a fucking fantastic song. But If you were to listen to it after watching this video, you might get a little wet in the panties and rub yourself in an innapropriate way while high as shit dancing around your room.

Fingerbanger 1: Frank Wilson – Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) (don lowed)

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(P.tone side note: Does the dancing at 3:52 in the video remind you of the B-more 2-step footwork. Like this here. cuz it does me)


The first rule is you get what you give. This is really The Rule. Da Bush Babees coming through your speakers should be a rule too, and so I’m giving you two at a time here. I bless you with this head nodder in the name of the Mobius Strip, it will cure all that ails you for 4 minutes, don’t believe me just ax somebody.

Fingerbanger 2: Da Bush Babees – WAX (don lowed)

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The first rule is don’t get so fucking serious with what could be fun, which is everything. Nice and Smooth kept it fun (mostly), to the point they sometimes weren’t making sense. Thats cool with me, keep it silly is medicine to cure the world. Now make me some waffles, I’m fixin’ to tackle your titties…now where’s my flyswatter?

Fingerbanger 3: Nice & Smooth – Early to Rise (don lowed)

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Ok, the audio player is fucking with song, so… you know… listen to it here… or here…or here.

The first rule is make people feel love more than you make love. 1…2…3…and segue…I dun discovered this song under some bushes after all that snow melted, and it sounds like its kinda old, but really it’s not. Women (myspace) is actually a current band with a rock and roll retro surf sound. The Green Go (myspace) is on the remix (more remixes here). Haven’t heard the others, but I likeee this oneee….

Fingerbanger 4: Women – Black Rice (green go remix) (don lowed)

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The first rule is everyone should try being a rapper at least once in their life, if not for the cash, the fame and the free pussy… at least to make others laugh. Personally I think the more serious you take it, the better time everyone is going to have. So don’t hold back… let those gangster/emo/player/big willy-isms shine because in reality, we’re all super stars on the inside…right? just so you know I’m serious, my cd is coming out soon… you think I’m lyin/ bitch sucker must be tryin/ to get my cash you highen/ cuz I’ma stack it to high en/ you cant even reach it/ yo / and I’ma take your girl too…. those are just some of da lyrics. No flow for the Ho’s is right… actually, not flow for anyone else either. (big ups to Ack and Issac for this)

Fingerbager 5: Black Tea – No Flow For The Ho’s (don lowed)

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I was going to post this video with Louis CK, but the embeddedness function has been disabled, so here is pharcyde with that Jay Dee production.

Over//End//Out – P.tone

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