I’ll make your lips glisten like picnic chicken.
 Good things/bad things/same things baked apple pie and come alive. The scene outside my window rotates heavily around the fog today, a personality that follows the same path of self-denial, self-justification, and  self-absorption. The liquid sky as spring’s harbinger of truth; some seek to be moist, get wet, or swim, while others prefer to stay dry.

(it has come to my attn. that my music player sometimes isn’t working when listening to tracks.  I noticed that if you view an individual post (vs. all posts on one page) they still work, you can do that by clicking the title of a post.  I am trying to find a solution to this issue. so until I find one, if you’re having issues, you can still click on the direct link ( the ‘song titles’) and open the songs in a separate page. If anyone has any ideas why the player is bugging out on me and how to fix it, please shoot me an email at

This song is a surprise for everyone. No. I lied. This song is a surprise for everyone that like the Blood Of Abraham. Or, in my head, this song is a surprise for everyone that nerds out on nerding out on their love affair with music. Others have sampled as well, but Oh baby, nerd me.

Fingerbanger 1: Michigan & Smiley – Diseases 12″


I guess the Blood of Abraham version is reqium in this post as well. This song is from the once-shelved-but-now-available-but-still-highly-slept-on Eyedollartree album. Buy the fucking cd, it comes with bonus disc with a conceptual video for the project. One of the best complete hip hop albums I’ve heard since 1998… back to front.

Fingerbager 2: Blood of Abraham – Diseases


This slow disco burner has been a crate secret of mine for a long time. Secret in a stashed in the dusty back crate of tracks that I love but don’t know anyone else around that digs on disco as much as I sometimes do. I’m pulling this one out now becasue it’s time to spread the love, protection free, sans even with the pull-out method. This one is straight up in the deep love canal with both hands on the bahoobahs. This could just the beginnning ofthe disco impregnation.. so loosen up your thighs.

Fingerbanger 3: Crashers – Flight to Jamaica


A few long years ago there came a documentary from a guy (Marc Singer) that decided to film the people that set up residence in the abandon Freedom Tunnel of the NYC train system.  Dark Days is a phenomenal film that respectfully details the lives of some down-and-out/hermits/crackheads living day to day in tunnels below NYC. Truly worth tracking down. Anyhow, back when this came out… napster was poppinoff and I scored the theme I posted up. I also have somewhere an alt version with some erie quotes from the film, but I cant find it. This theme is done by Dj Shadow. This was after Entroducing and Pre-emptive, but before Private Press. I think this may be my favorite Shadow song. And thats a bold statement.

Fingerbager 4: Dj Shadow – Dark Days (main theme)


Advantgard/jazz music can go bad quickly. This isn’t one of those stories. William Basinski’s four-disk epic, The Disintegration Loops, was created out of tape loops Basinski made back in the early 1980s.He lost the tapes for a long while and when he found them, he wanted to transfer the loops from analog reel-to-reel tape to digital hard disk. However, once he started the transfer, he discovered something: the tapes were old and they were disintegrating as they played and as he recorded. As he recorded he said, “The music was dying.” But he kept recording, documenting the death of these loops. Eventually, these recordings became four disks, and comprise six unique works. I mostly copied this shit…there is more to this story, you can read here. You can also check out Basinski’s Myspace Here.This music is really worth buying in its entirety Here, or Here.

(this is one long ass song: 63 min. So I’m only posting it as a link.)

Fingerbanger 5: William Basinski – D|P 1


Last Item on my docket: The new Gnarls Barkley album can be legitimately downloaded for free. One caveat though, the whole album is one-track, and it’s backwards… oh lord, how fun.

Get it here :

O.ver E.nd O.ut

Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


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Time: November 7, 2008, 5:32 pm

[…] Lawes and eventually became known widely as the “Diseases” reggae riddim (DJNODJ post 28). “Diseases” is notably utilized in Yellowman’s hit song […]

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