Throwback Thursday: Amen Calling
February 3rd, 2011 |

I’m toying with the idea of dedicating a whole day/category to the Amen break and calling it Sunday Service. It would probably take several decades to run out of songs that have used and abused The Winstons “Amen Brother” sample. But regardless of that, this song is notable for an entirely different reason. It is one of the very first (if not often called the first) “Ragga Jungle” tracks ever (1991).

Throwback: Lennie De Ice – We Are ie (don lowed)

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Been getting the remix treatment for 20 years.

Throwback: Lennie De Ice – We Are ie (Caspa & Rusko Remix) (don lowed)

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Of course I’ve posted this before, but it really should be watched by everyone at least once.

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