After much deliberation I’ve settled on this remix today. Classic text book example of how to slowly build a track into a mammoth fucking frothy foamy mouth-watering frenzy. To every aspiring producer/remixer/masher/dj wannabe – take notes. Slow starter with a good long intro good for mixing into something and not being blatantly obvious (although since the computer dj mashup shit, what passes these days for good mixing has regressed to whoever has the most ironic tshirt/mustache/plays naked, etc.) , at 2 minutes begins to build a nice froth by dropping out sounds (the dub technique) and builds until 3 minutes when it repeats that same technique a little heavier and builds more…until about 4 minutes when it repeats again with the most dramatic break down and then builds for almost a whole minute until about 5 minute mark when it has got you locked into the groove and your whole body is uncontrollably convulsing to the beat. Or something like that.

This remix takes the pie in the sky. The cake without a candle.

Dryhump Champion: Style Of Eye – Puss Puss ( Taped Remix ) (don lowed)

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The original is a bit more sinister – which I like.

Dryhump Champion: Style Of Eye – Puss Puss ( Original Mix ) (don lowed)

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