Fuckshit. Warsaw was top 10 songs of the year for me already. Where once there was singular vision, now it is blurred. Where it seems to be natural to compare two things and arrive at a conclusion to say one is better than the other, nothing is that sequitous, and to try and adequately delineate more than a novelty difference between … wait a minute…. how did they add the mother of all that is beautiful and agressive (909 acidlines) to this song and then break it down into some sort of Never Ending Story inspired synth fest half way through it? Not really how. But why? Come On GA – I realize you have a penchant for downtempo and I realize Whitelight is upbeat counterpoint album… I get it, I even like it… but it doesn’t excuse the maxi pads you shoved in the crotch of this song. Someone needs to collabo these two songs for one massive one.

Dryhump Champion: Groove Armada – Warsaw (Whitelight Remix) (don lowed)

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This is the Blacklight version – and I’m still getting it tattooed into my left lobe with lazers.

Fingerbanger : Groove Armada – Warsaw (don lowed)

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