Fingerbanger Friday: Breakout Fat
October 22nd, 2010 |

I’m all over the place this week. Geek.

Fingerbanger 1: The Drums – Lets Go Surfing (The Raveonettes Remix) (don lowed)

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Who would have thought that Biggie would be almost as ‘notorious’ 14 years after his death as when he was alive. Was he the fucking Elvis of hiphop?  Elvis’s core fans were girls… Biggie was no dreamboat. Nope. Dude was just fucking raw on the mic.

Fingerbanger 2: Notorious Big – Gimme The Loot (Manni Dee Remix) (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 3: Lunice – Hitmanes Anthem (don lowed)

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If you’ve been around as long as Fuzzy and I, you know how this shit goes. But if you haven’t I’ll let you in on the Life of a Music Sub-Genre. Step 1. Several (or less) musicians innovate a new sound because that’s what musicians do. For a while it has a small following, slowly growing and evolving. Step 2. The new sound is eclectic but incredible, music taste spotters start to get boners on the weird new shit coming out, slowly early adopters inspire the general masses ( Who catch on sometimes years later thinking they found something new & cool). Step 3.  5,000 wannabes rush in and talentlessly imitate the sound into the ground with cookie cutter garbage trying to be “cool guy” and fuck girls out of their league. Step 4. Out of the 5,000 – maybe 100 have actual talent and make decent songs which give them an opportunity to continue innovating. The rest continue making shit music while hyping (aka attention whoring) themselves to the other 15 people hyping themselves in some sort of attention whore mutual maturabatory suckfest. Step 5. Overall the music gets stale. Taste spotters have already been hyping something new a long time ago. The masses, who only liked it because it was the new and cool thing, move on. The people that actually loved the music, aka die hard fans – continue to die hard. The end.

This is a murderish dubwobble track for the most fiendish among us. Worthy of a speaker hump. Not meant for listening to while playing beer pong.

Fingerbanger 4: Flux Pavilion – Excuse Me (don lowed)

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I’m not going to hide it anymore… call it a guilty pleasure if you must, I dig this track. There. I said it. Whatever.

Fingerbanger 5: Misty Woods & Warboy – Head Surfing (don lowed)

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