Not that long ago, it was acceptable to be dissident angry. Not at your girlfriend, or at your broken heart. Angry at the status quo of indifference or at least acceptance of the banality of the American Dream. The call to arms was against anything that had the slightest smell of corruption, oppression or false authenticity. Yes, old school punk would have lifted weights all day , kicked you coddled little punk fashionistas right in your zumiez lovin face, and then wrote a highly articulate article for the school paper on the many faces of power abuse in your local social structure. Alright, well not all punkers were so socially conscious. Some of them were angry and didn’t really know why, and it lead to people like GG Allin, and all related fuckwits including the ones downtown living off social security still thinking that they are “raging against the machine” when their first concert was Green Day. Punk not Punk.

It takes courage to stand up against something that is so accepted that it becomes just “what you’re suppose to do”, but it doesn’t relieve anyone of personal responsibility. This is where punk turned in on itself, and Alternative took over… its much easier to be a victim than go out and make a difference.

Throwback: Dead Kennedys – Jock-O-Rama (don lowed)

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Throwback: Dead Kennedys – Holiday In Cambodia (don lowed)

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Time: May 9, 2010, 4:35 am

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