Jaw Line sent me an incoherent rambling email much like we write here, leading me to believe that I might be producing house music in my sleep and sending to myself. I doubt it though because I’m too busy making Solar panel sandwiches in my overactive imagination featuring guest appearances by overjoyed monkeys and intellectuals from the dark ages. I imagine intellectuals were a lot more tolerable back then because hidden egotistical agendas weren’t masked as unfortunate disdain, and hip in-the-know cynicism. Did I myself just cross that barrier by even recognizing it? I’m probably not smart enough to know. Overjoyed monkeys are always welcome as I insight into sillyness is more that just a good reason to dress up. All seriousness aside, have you even listened to the songs yet? Good shit.

Jaw Line is the oft forgotten ninja druid wizard, who by defeating the evil lords of Doom Mountain was able to breathe life into dreary musically theatre and save modern culture from imploding into re-runs of “Oops TV”

His music draws influence from cultural phenomenon that is Jazz Hands, dried apricots & the rise and fall of the humble pitta bread

He is currently preparing a new EP which showcases his love of chips, cheese and doner kebabs. Keep an eye out for new music soon. – Jawline Soundcloud

Dryhump Champion: Jaw Line – What You Wanna Play? (don lowed)

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Dryhump Champion: Jaw Line – It Makes You (don lowed)

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