Sometimes I’ll be down at the labs and some chickenshit stuck to mamas tittie with a purple BMW and Whole Foods tattoo will ask me why I post up when p.tone goes off wandering. To which I respond by picking up my skateboard and aiming at his head like a gun, pulling the trigger, and say in his face,
” You don’t know the half so
Sit down fatso,
watch me blast boats like gas blows
Outta assholes, I’m on a roll
So butter me, bitches wanna mother me
Take they bras off and smother me
Irkin me, for an appointment
Cuz they love jerkin me off the ointment.”

Fingerbanger 1: The Beatnuts – Watch Out Now ( HOT DAMN Remix ) (don lowed)

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“Dubstep is like Jesus, and Jungle is like God” – Uriah Krebs

Fingerbanger 2: Rugged Vinyl – Cocaine (Dopeman) (don lowed)

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The new album is awesomely named the same thing as their first album, that is Crystal Castles. Could CC be any more fuck you about their existence? The only people this will bother are those that want to download it from rapidshare. Everyone else will understand they are part of the Andy Kaufman joke. Actually, they will probably think it’s teh suck. Jokes on them. Eveything that sucks is cool, and everything that is cool really sucks. Punks not dead! It just bought a synth.

Fingerbanger 3: Crystal Castles – Baptism (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 4: Grackle – Jungle ( T.Keeler And Capablanca Remix ) (don lowed)

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This Onra (soundspace, myspace) joint is the fuckiing killswitch! Stomp stomp … stomp stomp stomp! With that horn I’d go to battle with the Krackken or whatever that shit is.  He’s also got some new shit coming out called Long Distance.I love posting all that shit p.tone wont. I’m going to go build a fort now.

Fingerbanger 5: Onra – The Anthem ( Unreleased Extended Version ) (don lowed)

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Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from Thank
Time: December 7, 2010, 7:05 am


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