Sometimes on my worst days, you get the best from me.

This is the original floor burning barnstorming version of this god damn song . And isn’t it a beauty. Honestly, the first time I heard this I think I got a boner and my feet wouldn’t stop moving.  Recorded in ’64, this Norther Soul 45 hardly managed a blip on the music scene, obviously due to the lead paint everyone was eating at the time. Almost 10 years later, British club DJ Richard Searling brought a copy back from the US. Overseas it got much more love, and was even re-released in ’76 due to the European popularity, thereafter softcell redid the thing and now I hear it in the grocery store when I’m picking up my vegetables.

Throwback: Gloria Jones – Tainted Love (don lowed)

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Jackie Lee born as Earl Lee Nelson (recorded under various names including Jay Dee (no, not that Jay Dee), Earl Cosby, and Chip Nelson) released this immense soul heated 45 in ’64 with the Castanets. Bring it home naw.

Throwback: Jackie Lee – Darkest Days (don lowed)

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Posted under Throwback Thursday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from Holly
Time: April 19, 2010, 5:36 pm

Ooh – I’d never heard the Jackie Lee – thank you!

“Tainted Love” is incredibly adaptable, and always great. I’m quite fond of Social Distortion’s version…

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