Friday Fingerbangers
March 7th, 2008 |

I know…a whole week between posts. Shame on me. but in my defense, this week went really fast, and I meant and tried to do a post everyday. but by the time I get to doing fun stuff, I’m too tired to post anything meaningful. No amount of gas station cappuccino or Tiger endorsed Gatorade seems to be a good substitution for sleep… but oh shit do I love gas station cappuccino! I need one of those machines… you know… great birthday gift idea people… hello? hello? You taking notes? So Friday Fingerbangers is back. This is 5 songs I have been dipping my consciousness in this week. dig.

Ok, so to begin today I’m going to go back a few years to the early/mid 90’s going to those…um….parties. You know, Dan Efex, Hyperactive, Doormouse days… ugh…. you remember that, right? ugh… no? ok. Anyhow. This was my introduction to sampling. Dance music sampled a lot, especially house music. I mean, I had heard samples before that… in the Rap Masters on cassette days. But I didn’t know what the fuck a sample was then. All I knew was that Plug Tunin’ was my favorite song…. and Gigalo Tony’s Smurf Rock was close second. Ok, so back to samples. I was still sort of too young to know a lot of what was being sampled… and I grew up in Wisconsin for fucks sake, so when in high school my nerdy friends hipped me to napster about 3 weeks after it went up…I took my awesome 56k internet and proceeded to download an awesome! (approx.) 7 songs a day. still… it was free…and that meant that anything I could think I might have interest in was game. Ok, so Curtis Mayfield isn’t exactly a rare sample to spot, but whatever… I’m down with this song. All the way.

Fingerbanger 1: Curtis Mayfield – Get Down.

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This song is one I throw in my rotation about this time of the year, every year. It is one of those songs that gets me ready for spring. It’s been sampled a few times too… by ATCQ and De La… most recently by MIA… yeah, whateves. I don’t care about that as much as I care that Corey Daye is the female vocal on this track. Corey being most famous for the 1979 single Pow Wow… but the flip side to that 12 was Green Light. I picked this single up when I was about 19. These were the days when I would roll through a thrift store and come out with 12 electro/disco records and a commodore 64 on the reg. (never found a 303 though… I still always look though). IMO: Green Light is a far superior song in all it’s cheesy disco glory. Corey Daye is brilliant in this too.

Fingerbanger 2: Dr. Buzzard – Sunshower

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This song was first introduced to me through the SeltOne mixed tape New Directions in HipHop. This is back when he would roll up to the skatepark with a new mix and sell a dozen tapes to a bunch of kids foaming at the mouth with giant purple Blind jeans and wheels smaller than their bearings. It took me forever to track this song down as Sacred Hoop never really caught on, really, hardly at all… at least around here. I wonder why…too irreverent for the emo kids? I don’t know. Still, they continue to make quality music and generally be original and dope as hell. I’m not ashamed to say… I love SH and someone should get them to play at my birthday party… you know…when I get my gas station cappuccino machine. Be cool, buy their music and myspace them here.

Fingerbanger 3: Sacred Hoop – Bathtub Gin

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I play this song out as much as I can. I love this song. I’m really a big fan of The Coathangers in general. But anytime there is an opportunity to show love to titties…I know I am going to have to buckle down and do my part. It is a cold world out there and I’m just trying to give back… I’m a giver I guess… I love to give… love…to boobies. Myspace them here.

Fingerbanger 4: The Coathangers – Nestle in My Boobies.

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This last song is by Acid Pauli. I discovered Acid Pauli after seeing the video for Billy The Killy (a song that I still can’t find to purchase). I’ll be the first to admit this song is somewhat different. This song matches minimal acid (ok, not really minimal) with the man in black Johnny Cash… in what, as I write, sounds like a poor idea… but in actually has probably been my most listened to song this week. Acid Pauli myspace Here. Buy Acid Pauli Here.

Acid Pauli – I See dark(er)ness

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Ok. I’m going to get more post in this next week… Over end out.

Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from Totoro
Time: April 11, 2008, 1:33 pm

Yes those guys are fucking superb and that little spirited away character out front wot a sprite, just love those guys but overblow in photos dont get it must be the pies!!!! Good but wierd review

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