Some might be wondering where we are lately. So, Let me tell you. 1999 died a gasping flagrant foul death rattle as P.tone narrowly avoided a high speed head on multi-car collision and an 18 wheeler, but still rolled his jeep at about 70 mph on the hwy (sans seatbelt). Like all assholes that deserve what they have coming, his shit was wrecked. However, he managed to walk away from certain death with just an invisible bruise, doing that thing that you see in movies but think to yourself… yeah right!. Although apparently not shaken, he is as usual, stirred. In addition to car wrecks, Dj gigs, snowboarding, and over exertion… so far 2010 doesn’t look like it makes any more sense to him than 2009 did. I expect he will be back sometime soon, in some sense, probably making us gag with philosophical ramblings and cockeyed diatribe.

I on the other hand just didn’t give a shit enough to post. I did however sit around eating rum balls the neighbor dog dropped, and watching the carnival ride going on in our house. But every new start, imaginary or real, deserves a good christening. So may this cycle be your renewing; heres to our adventure.

Champion: Sunset Cruisin – Perfect Wave (Lebatman Remix) (don lowed)

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