Ok kids, a few things going on.
1. I’m back after a short hiatus called ‘life can get all up in your ass’. I bet you want juicy details… too bad, no dice, deal with it.
2. MOST IMPORTANT – Good Friend and DJ, Nik E Gunz needs our help…
4. TUNAWAX on Myspace @ www.myspace.com/tunawax
Be friendly. add us and enjoy free shows and updates on new mix tapes, plus MORE!! I said that like a true sales pitch… SUNDAY SUNDAY SUN…er… nevermind.
5. DJ Pretty Tony’s new mixtape ‘Pretty Pink Brass Knuckles’ is now up for listening and downloading.
One hour….One take… No practicing (none, seriously..not that I know…or talk to him. ever.)…. and Pretty Pink Brass Knuckles is born. I’d say this mix ranks right up there with the fat cute lohan, or… um… Elyse Sewell’s personality. And by that I mean, not always perfect, but pretty fucking awesome most of the time.
DJ Pretty Tony – Pretty Pink Brass Knuckles (download it at Tunawax.com: Here)
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Over End Out…for now
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