“For a bunch of good looking people, you sure are boring and I can’t hang around with that certainty because it dies with the day. A peculiar assessment, She said. Maybe, I continued, Yet even those that don’t like me expect a lot. You think you deserve something, and you’re mad, she said again and again. I was mad with the desire to believe in an absolute, and fingering the perils of such belief in my mind all day. Of course I deserved something, a million dollars an ounce and I couldn’t give this much heart away. I thought that was cliche too, so I left out the window just to avoid the door.” – The DivineRaptor

Paper Chain emailed me about Naik’s debut album In the Shadow of Thunder Mountain ($8 on amazon). I’d like to say I listened to it and its awesome… but really I just listened to this song about 10 times, and maybe another twice. And besides, I wouldn’t probably ever say anything is awesome, I’d probably say it’s as good as being lost somewhere familiar. Which you wouldn’t understand anyhow. So, I’ll just say sick.

Fingerbanger 1: Naik – Zootrip (don lowed)

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Some will try to argue otherwise, but my ears don’t lie… well, wait… let me back up. When I got the Fruit Meat 12″, I’ll admit I thought the A side was better. And then I grew the fuck up. The flow on this track is so good it makes me homesick, and I’m still here. If I recall the 12″ doesn’t have the sKdatching all over it… could be wrong… would prefer it though.

Fingerbanger 2: Binkis Recs – Eyeam (don lowed)

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What a pain it is to fall in love so easily, with a sound, a few words, and a shared idiosyncrasy. On a scale from 1 to 10, you have no idea what I had to go through to get a good copy of this song. Not a fucking clue. It’s like the mystery of the deep, your deep, my deep… it’s nowhere. But oh so worth throwing an arm out of joint over.

Fingerbanger 3: Rogue Wave – I Can Die (don lowed)

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Indulgence through sounds. I can’t wait to bury this year under several feet of pow, hardpack, groomers, dust on crust… Ice… I don’t care.

Fingerbanger 4: Crystal Castles – Untrust Us (don lowed)

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One story goes… boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl break up, girl starts dating new jerk who is like the old jerk but newer, old jerk goes through several new girls trying to replace the old girl before settling for the only girl that keeps coming back no matter how badly he treats her.  Carah Faye was with Shiny Toy Guns, apparently she was over that gig, and is now with new gig Versant made up of similarly minded sunset watchers, and/or musicians. As far as Versant goes, it’s not my thing, and I’ll leave it at that. But I’ll admit I dig this unpolished Abba cover they did (internet poll selected). I get the feeling they didn’t take this serious, and maybe thats what I like, because according to the Versant peoples, they don’t have a recording of this song that isn’t taken from the video. Which I find hard to believe…so at their request challenge (and I do love a nerdy challenge), I ripped this from the intercubes. Until the powers that be shine upon us, this is as good as it gets.

Fingerbanger 5: Versant – S.O.S. (Abba Cover)

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