Throwback Thursday: Lovely Nice
November 12th, 2009 |

The //word// of the day is Juxtaposition. Ideas contrasted against others are what create friction, or heat. Temperature is a tricky thing to measure, because any difference in temperature is a heat /energy gain or a heat/energy loss. What you feel is not hot or cold, but the loss or gain of energy, or the flow of heat. Just basic thermodynamics. Some materials are more conductive to the flow of heat than others.  Ok. So whats with the juxtaposition of ideas? Oh yeah, they create friction, which creates heat, which is energy.  Its not about too much or too little, but how much you can handle, and does it have meaning?

Throwback: CAN – Vitamin C (don lowed)

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Throwback: 24-Carat Black – 24-Carat Black (Theme) (don lowed)

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