Dimensional Intrusion (1993) was one of Richie Hawtins (aka Plastic Man) first albums put out under the moniker F.U.S.E. (Further Underground Sound Experiments); perhaps Richies strongest and most versatile release. IMO this album and this song in particular really encapsulate the architecture of early techno music and what was going on in the scene at that time. The sound was a vision, a homage to machines making it and the infinitely expanding outer edge of the technological wave. The future finally sounded different; advanced as the phreakers and hackers that were taking on telecoms one dumpster diving, social engineering call at a time. It was future primitive and we were the tribe. Get the whole thing (part 1) (part 2)
Throwback: F.U.S.E. – Dimension Intrusion (don lowed)
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This is another sort of benchmark track for me, though more personally than genre defining. This is around the time when I transitioned from more electro/hip hop/freestyle to electronic. It also was a further separation from those that were listening to Vanilla Ice/Guns n Roses. Though I was still listening to a lot of Ween & Primus.
Throwback: Barbarella (Sven Vath) – My Name Is Barbarella (1992) (don lowed)
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