Respect is always an interesting topic, it’s hard to earn & easy to loose. In life, respect seems to take on a handful of faces, idolizing without envy, admiration without jealousy, reverence without awe and being star struck. It also seems that due to surplus of factors that we need not get into at the moment that respect has taken on some ugly faces as well. I know this isn’t new or shocking news, but money, power & appearance don’t always guarantee respect, at least genuine respect. It’s character, soul & your word.
R.I.P. Big L (May 30, 1974 – February 15, 1999)
Pink: D.I.T.C. (Big L & Fat Joe) – Da Enemy (don lowed)
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D.I.T.C. (2000)
Respect “Old Frankie Blue Eyes” and oh yeah… respect coffee.
R.I.P. Frank (December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998)
Pink: Frank Sinatra – The Coffee Song (don lowed)
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Sony BMG (1946)
I remember being young and staying up late with my brothers to watch Carlin specials on HBO, the appreciation began way back then. Both my collection and respect has grown since. Being able to say absolutely anything you want, no matter how uncomfortable it makes some or how (often times very) politically incorrect, takes balls. Now making it all funny as hell and socially relevant deserves respect.
R.I.P. George Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)
Stink: George Carlin – A Modern Man (don lowed)
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“Life is Worth Loosing” 2006
Love, Peace & Respect –
Benjamin Buttons a.k.a. “The Stimulus Package”