Lets throw some love into the universe on a day dedicated to the issue, with this mixtape that made it’s way to my inbox this week. From the French cartel Grand Panda (www.grandpanda.fr), the Paradise Island mix is a treasure of songs that are just meant to make you feel your problems wash away with a few rum cocos…
It is our time to drink alcohol in large coconut very fresh. It is time to smoke the grass, dancing on the beaches overwhelmed by the sun, time to flower necklaces around his neck and ride tigers with wings of butterflies. It’s time to take a boat to board us too far, too so we also can never return. We offer the ticket, this mixtape that invents the contours of a mysterious island, and hidden paradise. Let yourself drift into his intense love of beaches and wild rhythms, we are there to watch over you. – translated from the Grand Panda Paradise Island Post (here)
Sack Lunch: Grand Panda – Paradise Island Mixtape (download here)
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Complete tracklisting after the jump.
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