There is a bit of advice that has been floating around for a whole while and it goes, “Do one thing every day that scares you”. As a general rule, we avoid things that we fear, however irrational and off base the fear is. So facing fears daily we can start to see that they dissolve into nothingness in the light of reality. However, sometimes fear comes knocking on your door, and it seems to have found the key you left outside under the rug. In those instances, avoiding it would be to turn in the other direction and evacuate. I think its called panic. My father told me recently that there is only one time when we should panic, and thats when the building we are in, is on fire. Thinking that fear is the correct course of action in any circumstance will only propel us into misguided action, or grip us into doing nothing at all. By and large, the things we fear are not real. So the action taken in the face of fear should not be a reaction, but a direct movement in the absence of its reality. If we always take the action that we believe to be our stand for the highest sense of good, we shouldn’t need to question the outcome of our actions.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. – Henery David Thoreau
Happy new years everyone. I’m alive, and back for a moment.
Makeout: MXM – Jazz Seducer (don lowed)
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