Lets Makeout Monday

There is a bit of advice that has been floating around for a whole while and it goes, “Do one thing every day that scares you”.  As a general rule, we avoid things that we fear, however irrational and off base the fear is. So facing fears daily we can start to see that they dissolve into nothingness in the light of reality. However, sometimes fear comes knocking on your door, and it seems to have found the key you left outside under the rug. In those instances, avoiding it would be to turn in the other direction and evacuate. I think its called panic. My father told me recently that there is only one time when we should panic, and thats when the building we are in, is on fire. Thinking that fear is the correct course of action in any circumstance will only propel us into misguided action, or grip us into doing nothing at all. By and large, the things we fear are not real. So the action taken in the face of fear should not be a reaction, but a direct movement in the absence of its reality. If we always take the action that we believe to be our stand for the highest sense of good, we shouldn’t need to question the outcome of our actions.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. – Henery David Thoreau

Happy new years everyone. I’m alive, and back for a moment.

Makeout: MXM – Jazz Seducer (don lowed)

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Lets Makeout Monday: P.tones Plaid
December 28th, 2009 |

Thanks to everyone that has dropped in and shared their music, comments, and friendship this past year. Here are some of the songs that are either long time favorites or new favorites for me; gave me some comfort this past year.

P.tones Plaid 1: Dominatrix – The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 2: Woolfy – Odyssey (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 3: Living Legends – After Hours (Extended Euromix) (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 4: Heartless Bastards – The Mountain (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 5: Mobbing – Open Legs (Original Mix) (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 6: 40 Thieves – Dont Turn It Off (feat Qzen) (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 7: Rogue Wave – I Can Die (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 8: Natural Resources – Negro League Baseball (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 9: Rumspringa – Shak’em Loose Tonight (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid 10: Wave Machines – Keep The Lights On (don lowed)

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P.tones Plaid Bonua: The Fitness – Day Job (don lowed)

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As in the beginning, so in the end.

P.tones Plaid Bonua: Gui Boratto – Beautiful Life

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Listen up.

Makeout: Claudette McLean – Give Love Another Try (don lowed)

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1. To love without fear
2. To stand up for whats right
3. To go ride when it snows

Makeout: Chambers Brothers – Time Has Come Today (don lowed)

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Lets Makeout Monday: French Toast
November 23rd, 2009 |

The Butterfly Bones emails are almost as cryptic as some of my posts… and I think they wanted fingerbanger status. However, thats all of 5 days away, and right now… that seems like an unnecessarily long time to wait for a song that can dig you out of your self indulgent upper/downer drug and alcohol hole you dug this past weekend.

Makeout: Butterfly Bones – XOXO (don lowed)

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Makeout: Cody Chesnutt – Serve This Royalty (don lowed)

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Lets Makeout Monday: Certain Mess
November 2nd, 2009 |

Music is  the instant gratification of being different, if only for a moment before we’re all just human again.

Makeout: Simian – One Dimension (don lowed)

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Lets Makeout Monday: Silence
October 26th, 2009 |

Makeout: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Killing The Light (don lowed)

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Lets Makout Monday: Knuckle Knees
October 19th, 2009 |

And if I could I would set your Soul on Fire. My afro beats your afro beat.

Makeout: Massak – B.L.A (pt. 1) (don lowed)

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Lets Makeout Monday: Hit Me
December 1st, 2008 |

Right… I’m watching the last season of Californication (a guilty pleasure) and David Doucovny’s character has just managed to take a girl he met at the bookstore home for some natural recreation, and whilst she is riding him she cocks back one arm and stone cold steve austin’s him right in the face giving him a black eye… and damn that shit is hot. OK, so that hit is nothing like Buffetlibre’s new mix called ‘Hit’.  Well, actually, it kinda is… let me break this down.

1. Both were well done and have pretty decent timing.
2. Both have moments that are simultaneously enjoyable, but also a little awkward.
3. Both are things that I enjoy (presumably), but are not for every occasion.
4. And both are things that if it were not for the internet… I would have never experienced.

So what of it? Well, Buffetlibre‘s new mix is a collection of hits that they play at shows. So basically, it’s a collection of songs that are pretty standard club tracks and have stood the test of time (save for a few new-ish ones). Certainly something that you can bump to get you through the work days while you dream of punching someone is the face mid-hump.

Buffetlibre Dj’s – Hit Mix (download) :Zlink (alternate)

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Tracklisting after the pagebreak.

Read more »

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