Fingerbanger Friday: Name of Friends
September 4th, 2009 |

This is not dedicated to everyone that takes shit too seriously. Those that worry about their hair. Those that get offended at bad jokes. Those that need to constantly be opinionating just to feel important. This is not dedicated to those that frightened by things that will never happen. This is dedicated to those that know the fruit is always out on the limbs. Those that take chances, scrape their knees, loose their shit, and go back for more.

Fingerbanger 1: Body Language – Huffy Ten Speed (don lowed)

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Do you remember the back in the day Sesame Street, when they would take some sea shells and put them in some sand, and then do some stop motion animation, making all sorts of patterns with them? Yeah. Those were always some of my favorite interludes. I can’t say why this song makes me think of PBS as a kid. Well, yeah I can… this sound is entirely washed in hues of comfort and enjoyment. I’ve always dug bibio’s experimental take, but his new album Ambivalence Avenue isn’t as repetitive as previous albums, but still keeps his unique tone intact. Best yet.

Fingerbanger 2: Bibio – Lovers Carvings (don lowed)

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We did not talk for all summer. When summer was gone.

Fingerbanger 3: We Were Promised Jetpacks – Its Thunder And Its Lightning (don lowed)

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Decepticons were always cooler than autobots. Autobots were bright colors and did the right thing. Decepticons placed bets on their kids ball games, spanked all the soccer moms, and drank red stripe at parent teacher conferences. They were always much cooler. This deceptikon is no different.

Fingerbanger 4: Deceptikon – Bossanovastylea (don lowed)

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Did he just say church tank?

Fingerbanger 5: Mux Mool – MERLINFIST! (don lowed)

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