Faster faster Faster until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death. You know what I love about this photo? I love that this is a scan of someones actual photo. I can tell it’s a scan from those striations on the right side, and also from that sorta pixelated color in the corner. The fact that this is a scan means that, somewhere…somewhere… this was shot on fine grain silver, and the negative is sitting in a box, to preserve this very fine moment for all eternity. It also means someone loved it enough to scan it. Going to Iola today. Heat and thunderstorms… ride the lightning Robb.

Someone should punch me in the dick for posting this. Its not that its a bad song, its a awesome song really. But that this is becoming “the” new band. And I knew it was going to… which is why I purposely wasn’t going to post this. Because I’m contrarian by nature. But here I am, doing what others already are doing… line me up, spank my bottom and I’ll go “baaaa….”. What is this genre anyhow? electro-pop-tinkerbell? Ok, this song bangs.You can just sitbackdown. I’ll punch myself in the dick.

Fingerbanger 1: Discovery – Osaka Loop Line (don lowed)

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This track should really be number one today. For no other reason than it sounds great really loud. Which brings me to the point that just because I put a song first or last doesn’t mean shit. nothing. nadda. I told a lady at work yesterday that I wanted a jetpack and maybe I can find one at Iola, she didn’t say anything to me… which leads me to believe either she wasn’t listening, or she got me jetpack for my birthday and was hoping to avoid ruining the suprise.

Fingerbanger 2: We Were Promised Jetpacks – Quiet Little Voices (don lowed)

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I am a patient boy
I wait, I wait, I wait, I wait
My time is water down a drain

Fingerbanger 3: Fugazi – Waiting Room (don lowed)

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Ghosts are everywhere man… like everywhere… even in the intercubes (they gots their own sites dood). And they don’t go whoo whoo boo anymore. they gots synths and they rock em cross country.

Fingerbanger 4: Ghost In The Water – Pushpins And Tape (Car Crash Mix) (don lowed)

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This song is for Antwuan Dixon, who is the most non-givingashit guy I can think of. Also has a skate style that makes other pro skaters wish they had more tattoos steeze. I mean… how else do you make an ender out of 2 1/2 min of skating? Really though… video below if you don’t believe me. Mighty Casey… I got this on vinyl somewhere. Probably right next to my Masta Ace NFL record.

Fingerbanger 5: Mighty Casey – Liquorland (don lowed)

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Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from sandra742
Time: September 9, 2009, 1:28 pm

Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. :) Cheers! Sandra. R.

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