Gratitude. Things have run amuck these days. I dont’ have much to say at the moment. I’d be content to just wander around and look with out wanting. Try to fly above the trees you see, and you might find your wilderness is “knowledge”.

Ducktails was cool. But Tailspin was better. Skipping from island to island in an airplane seems like a life I’d like to live, with pirates, races, and aviation adventure. But that’s not this. This is Ducktails (myspace). A lazy swelling unconcerned with an arrival, just sort of basking in it’s own echoy afternoon sound. not quite a Disney Afternoon… but just as good. Break out the Orange Creamsicles put your feet out the window.

Fingerbanger 1: Ducktails – Daily Vacation (don lowed)

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Dusty needle summer hum, yeah, signature Odd Nosdam sound. Can I just say, this is your rock n’ roll. You want a 4 person band. And if your hip, maybe a 3 person. But thats all what you think rock is. What would your precious Doors be if they came today? Fucking Cliche. Oh wah wah… take a look in your history books.

Fingerbanger 2: Odd Nosdam – We Bad Apples (don lowed)

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Fondle’em’s 5th can be a 5th of anything really. Not 4am, but 4pm when the highs start to bow. Again, I say I don’t have much to say, but I’m about to make friends here. Can You dig it? Maybe a lucky find, or a funny walk, but thats up to you.

Fingerbanger 3: Siah And Yeshua dapoED – No Soles Dopest Opus (don lowed)

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Summer is known for two things. Relaxing. Activity. You might be inclined to think this is a song for the former, but you would be wrong. This is a song for getting something done in a good time. Slicing, dicing, tasting, sweating, loading, unloading, washing, heating, making something out of nothing at all.

Fingerbanger 4: Shawn Lees Ping Pong Orchestra – Fly First (don lowed)

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Think into something. Something butter, or better.

Fingerbanger 5: Shirley Eubanks Ensemble – The Blessing Song (don lowed)

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Over:End:Out:P.tone (pro irony:anti cynicism)

Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from Narcisio
Time: May 25, 2009, 9:14 pm

I love you djnodj ! a french guy who loves your playlist

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