Are some things still worth dying for? Is the American idea* one such thing? Are you up for a thought experiment? What if we chose to regard the 2,973 innocents killed in the atrocities of 9/11 not as victims but as democratic martyrs, “sacrifices on the altar of freedom”?* In other words, what if we decided that a certain baseline vulnerability to terrorism is part of the price of the American idea? And, thus, that ours is a generation of Americans called to make great sacrifices in order to preserve our democratic way of life—sacrifices not just of our soldiers and money but of our personal safety and comfort?
In still other words, what if we chose to accept the fact that every few years, despite all reasonable precautions, some hundreds or thousands of us may die in the sort of ghastly terrorist attack that a democratic republic cannot 100-percent protect itself from without subverting the very principles that make it worth protecting? – David Foster Wallace (atlantic)
As hard as it is to believe, I’m pretty darn sure this is the world debut of this song. Long over due… like most good things in life tend to be.
Fingerbanger 1: Benzito – Stay Up (Leaked Headnodic Mix) (don lowed)
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JUICE makes my list of greatest freestyle Emcees. His work with the Molemen still gets plays from me.
Fingerbanger 2: S.U.N. Feat. JUICE & O-Type Star – Radiate (don lowed)
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Fingerbanger 3: Dj Eli Feat. Wee Bee Foolish – Properly Done (don lowed)
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“A merging of two people is an impossibility, and where it seems to exist, it is a hemming-in, a mutual consent that robs one party or both parties of their fullest freedom and development. But once the realization is accepted that even between the closest people infinite distances exist, a marvelous living side-by-side can grow up for them, if they succeed in loving the expanse between them, which gives them the possibility of always seeing each other as a whole and before an immense sky.” – Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
Fingerbanger 4: J.Rawls – They Can’t See Me (Revisited) (don lowed)
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“Fiction is dangerous, Gaiman explained, because “it lets you into others’ heads, it gives you empathy, and it shows you that the world doesn’t have to be like the one you live in.” That imaginative leap into other minds and other worlds is surely the reason many of us read fiction.” – Why Neil Gaiman Thinks Fiction Is Dangerous, and Why I Think It’s Dangerous | Library Journal
Fingerbanger 5: Valis – Black Wax (don lowed)
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Fingerbanger SixFinger: NAK × Moleman – Hourglass (don lowed)
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