Maybe someone has a good argument that proves me wrong, but I tend to have a problem when a new song liberally borrow recognizable parts from an old song IN THE SAME GENRE without credit. Putting different drums behind a liberal sample from a well establish artist’s song doesn’t mean you get to call it an entirely new song of your own creation. Does it?

Dryhump Champion: Mr. G – Black Breds (Original Mix) (don lowed)

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I think I’d have an easier time tracking down the drug smuggling Carmen Sandiago and scoring scopolamine than i did getting a good version of this song. Here’s an example of how to give credit to the original song; it’s easy… you just make reference to the original in some way and maybe add a bit at the end. Remix, mix, fix, etc. So many options…

Dryhump Champion: Firefly – Supernatural (DJ Wink’s Rhythmatic Acid Journey) (don lowed)

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