I can forgive Alfred Nobel for having invented dynamite, but only a fiend in human form could have invented the Nobel Prize. – George Bernard Shaw
I can’t really fit this one in anywhere but first. So a slow start today, but amongst all the madness it’s alright. Clearly emphasizing the real genius of The Pixies… songs.
Fingerbanger 1: Maxence Cyrin – Where Is My Mind (Pixies Cover) (don lowed)
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Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today. – Lawrence Krauss
Fingerbanger 2: Of Oceans – In Love Not Limbo (don lowed)
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I seriously can’t for the life of me understand why it takes me so long to post 5 fuckign songs some days. It’s almost like everything else is more interesting than whatever it is I’m currently doing. Almost.
Fingerbanger 3: Brazilian Girls – Good Time (don lowed)
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Its been a while since J5 has been tolerable after they overloaded us by all rhyming with the same syncopated rhythm on every song . Q-tip… um…what the fuck did I just write??? Christ. I’m losing my mind. Fortunately Lowman makes it all ok again.
Fingerbanger 4: Lowman – Lucien Works It Out (Q-tip & J5 ReMash) (don lowed)
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I want to give credit where credit is due, but I’m not really sure where credit goes on this song. Obviously Derek B is on the “Good Groove” vocals here. But is this T.Rice’s beat? A mashup? Remix? Remash? Whatever the case may be… this is a super smooth jam for super smooth jamming. smooth… jamming…
Fingerbanger 5: Derek B – Good Groove ( Mushie Shake by T.Rice ) (don lowed)
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Mark this as (I believe) the first time I’ve ever posted a soundcloud player thing. Not something I do for a few reasons. 1.) It’s fucking lazy. 2.) It’s fucking lazy. I guess it’s better than Myspace tho.
but I’m breaking down today and posting this song because I like quality tunes, and also because I want to support small labels that are actually putting out quality tunes. I know this is quality because despite the inconvenience of not being able to download it and put it onto my audio cue, I still wanted to listen to it in all it’s poppy glory. So heres to Lanu ( aka Lance Ferguson – guitarist & chief songwriter for The Bamboos ) for going a new direction with fresh-air springtime flavor. The song is off of the album ‘Her 12 Faces’ due out on March 7th.
Lanu – Beautiful Trash feat. Megan Washington by Mud Hut Digital

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