Among the most repeated things my father has ever said to me is, ” I don’t care if you like it, do what you know your suppose to do when you know you’re suppose to do it, and be done with it.”

Come to find out that he probably stole this little piece of wisdom from Thomas Henry Huxley, who said, ”Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done whether you like it or not. It is the first lesson that ought to be learned and however early a person’s training begins, it is probably the last lesson a person learns thoroughly.”

Though, my fathers most often repeated saying is, “Don’t act so stupid.” Which he would pull out whenever he thought my siblings and I we’re trying to get away with something – and it didn’t matter if we didn’t know, we were still responsible. Thus proving we didn’t get away with shit. I’m still waiting to find out who he stole that one from…

Dial.81 is from Detroit, where they have to hide equipment in underground tunnels so that it won’t get lifted. Listen to more from him or buy the remix goods at (Itunes).

Fingerbanger 1: Dial81 – Sun Hammer Pounding (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 2: Surfer Blood – Neighbour Riffs (don lowed)

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Chinese Man Records in the house again… this time with a oddly intoxicating remix of Blackmoon.

Fingerbanger 3: Blackmoon – How Many MCs (Chinese Man Records Remix) (don lowed)

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Fuzzy sent me a link to this with some incoherent rant about this song. Something about the bullshit after the 1:25 mark? ” I’m crude impregnated with the sound and Carn’t nod at 1:25 garble while losing a queen to a pawn. Why suffocate a baby???”. What I think he means is, the beginning is fucking rad… but he’s not so fond of the ending. You decide I guess. But I always side with Fuzzy.

Fingerbanger 4: Squire Of Gothos – Squire Bathing (don lowed)

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Posting this for the 8 people in the world that aren’t hipsters and therefor haven’t heard this before… Also peep the video below, because eventually someone will ask you if you’ve seen it.

Fingerbanger 5: Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros – Home (don lowed)

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Its amazing how many hits this has got in a week. In the few days since I first saw it I think 2/3 of a million more… I hate to automatically be cynical, but hopefully this doesn’t prove to be some sort of marketing gimmic. Still pretty sweet.

Over(((End(((Out – p.tone

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