Fingerbanger Friday: Loose Latch
November 26th, 2010 |

Underneath the poet tree
Come and rest awhile with me,
And watch the way then word-web weaves
Between the shady story leaves.
The branches of the poet tree
Reach from the mountains to the sea.
So come and dream, or come and climb-
Just don’t get hit by falling rhymes.

– Shel Silverstein

Fingerbanger 1: Otis Gayle – I’ll Be Around (don lowed)

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Rule #447: We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.

Fingerbanger 2: Can – Thief (don lowed)

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The bronze boy stands kneedeep in centuries,
and never grieves,
remembering a thousand autumns,
with sunlight of a thousand years upon his lips
and his eyes gone blind with leaves.

—Sylvia Plath

Fingerbanger 3: Tunng – Hustle (don lowed)

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If it weren’t for Avocados, Artichokes, Mushrooms and Sourdough Bread… I’m not sure what good the grocery store would be.

Fingerbanger 4: Labyrinth Ear – Snow White (don lowed)

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500 gig portable HD’s for $40… I’m out with my battle armor… basketball heads get pumped!

Fingerbanger 5: Delinquent Habits – Western Ways (don lowed)

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Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: none |

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