Fingerbanger Friday: Not the Goal
November 5th, 2010 |

Been digging into the sounds of Norwegian electronic musician Kim Hiorthoy this week, searching for something more fitting of the bluing landscape, while I pretend to prepare for things unknown and unreal, and until known and real, unimportant.

Fingerbanger 1: Kim Hiorthoy – Soliga Dagens Slappiga Trosor (don lowed)

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In high school I disliked those kids that were overly loud, always making a fuss about gossip,  throwing themselves into a hyper popularity contest, and intensely dramatizing every aspect of their lives. I stewed with disgust at their boring predictability, and imagined a more distinguished and inspired environment where personal intellectual activism and bleeding heart creativity was the individual goal. Maybe naive, but that is what I thought college would be. Some sort of bee hive of those that were either too illusioned or disillusioned ( almost like Real Genius mashed with Dead Poets Society) to not try and shift the world off its axis, and finally I would find a place without idiots. I think it was my first day on campus that I realized all the idiots had come to college and those that were talented, inspired, intelligent, issusioned and disillusioned… went missing. It didn’t make sense to me, but it started the questions coming. Such as, why is everyone here, here? And why are people so interested in dramatizing their lives? Not only their lives, but everything else too. Why do we feed off of PANIC!! and OMGZ!! and gossip, controversy, and are needlessly opinionated about everything? What I realized is that all those trivialities get people excited, even if the ideas behind them are banal and predictable (see: fear mongering politics for more examples) they work emotions into a frenzy of false importance (and I anticipate there is probably some sort of dopamine release that goes along with that too). Which leads me to:

Rule #121: Drama makes people feel important.

Fingerbanger 2: Kim Hiorthoy – Politiska Dikten Atervander (don lowed)

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Fingerbanger 3: Grasscut – The Tin Man (don lowed)

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In his book Bagombo Snuff Box: Uncollected Short Fiction, Vonnegut listed eight rules for writing a short story: #6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.

“The word adventure has been over used. To me adventure is when everything goes wrong. That’s where adventure starts.” – Yvon Chouinard

The goal isn’t the ending, or the goal.

Fingerbanger 4: Felix And Volcano! – Boku-Maru (don lowed)

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Tweet: I want some waffles right now.

Fingerbanger 5: The Bird And The Bee – I Cant Go For That (don lowed)

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Posted under Fingerbanger Friday. Comments: 1 |


Comment from Mr.Nil
Time: November 5, 2010, 9:53 pm

“things unknown and unreal, and until known and real, unimportant.” Pure (and) brilliant. Thanks.

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