Talking with a 6-year-old about Martin Luther King Jr. day is super easy if all that is said is, don’t judge people by the color of their skin. Simple because we can see skin, which is also it’s downfall, being that it is easy to distinguish. The second part of it ( the content of their character part) is more difficult. Mostly because as we are raised, we’re told what to do by our parents through rules without much explanation of reason. Rules that are hopefully are made out of wisdom, and not fear, but who knows. Wisdom is hard to impart, because it has to be embodied by the owner. Talk in allegories, parables, and examples only get you so far when trying to teach someone that their own character is more important than the character of others. On the other hand, fear is easy to impart. And so prejudice becomes a judgmental fear easily imparted. While content of character is knowledge of self, and hard to teach as a rule, because you cant teach it, it has to be learned by the owner. So the question becomes, how then can we teach content of character? I think if we can, its only by example. In part by parental example, but to a greater degree, by societal example. We like to think that adults and parents have a great influence on kids, but really its their peers. What we see as our peers is often what we aspire to imitate. Teaching a unity among fellow humans is made more difficult when our media takes a bow to the lowest common denominator in all instances, dramatizing and creating conflict to build false importance.  Drama is not exciting, nor self righteousness entertaining. Until we value self knowledge, and content of our OWN character above that of entertainment, and the false excitement of drama, we will continue to focus on the color of skin, and not the content of character, among other things deceiving.

Throwback: Gregory Isaacs – Nigger (don lowed)

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Throwback: Rodney Trotter – Space Nigga’ (don lowed)

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1. Planet Asia pays homage to the the one and only the ruler, Slick Rick by busting out a flow so flossin’ I’m thinking of starting a petition to get the two on a song together. 2. Its ill. Production by Chops.

Sacklunch: Planet Asia – Niggarachi (don lowed)

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